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I really like this! its simple but fun! the music has a rising intensity and the art style is very cute, i especially like the way that the water is animated! 

the one bit of criticism I would give is that the whirlpool hitbox can be very unforgiving on the trailing edge, i found myself getting hit on the back of my boat a lot more that the front!  

all in all, great job

Thanks for the feedback! We did have problems with the whirlpool hitbox, it's been changed a few times but it's still not ideal. Anyway, we're glad you liked it.


Congratulations on finishing the game!

Despite the simplicity, you managed to create a sense of anxiety and increasing tension as the game gradually speeds up, whirlpools and mermaids everywhere - it's almost like being in a real storm, you have no hope, but you're just rushing forward.

Nice pixel art. I also like the way you animated the water - it looks like pencil shading, creating the feeling of stop motion animation.

This game does not hook you for long, but it gives you fun in the first few starts and the feeling of surviving a shipwreck.

Good job!


Thank you so much for your thoughtful and detailed feedback! We're delighted you found it fun and thrilling, even if it's a short play. 


I love the ambiance (the music goes so well)! and nice art !

Thank you so much for the kind words! We're thrilled you enjoyed the ambiance and the music. We worked hard to create an immersive experience, and we're delighted that it resonated with you.


Ah, testemunhai o espetáculo do meu barquinho sombrio dançando entre redemoinhos e sereias, como uma sinfonia macabra dos mares. Meu recorde de 4170 pontos é como uma lápide marcando o local onde os jogadores fracassam e se afogam em desespero.

Ó, intrépidos jogadores, ousai enfrentar a escuridão da minha pontuação! Vossos barquinhos são meros espectros perdidos num mar de inaptidão. Desafio-vos a desafiarem a própria morte virtual, a superarem a melancolia das águas turbulentas e a emergirem triunfantes, se puderem.

Que vossas tentativas sejam tão épicas quanto o lamento de um corvo noturno, mas que saibais que as sombras do meu recorde pairam como um manto sobre todos vós. Aceitai o desafio, oh navegadores sombrios, e que os mares da competição tragam consigo o eco etéreo dos vossos fracassos!

Recordista Mundial!


Muito booom! Adorei a música e a mecânica! Desafiador. 

Obrigado :D